If your business is in the early stages, promoting and marketing can seem a little overwhelming, not only because you don’t know where to start, but because many people think that marketing and promoting can’t be done on the smaller budget that many startup businesses are working with. Well fear not, there are actually loads of different ways you can get your business name out there to start pulling in the clients and the customers. Many of these promotion techniques require little to no money! And remember that any costs required for marketing will essentially be paid back straight into your business, and that’s the aim. You have to spend a little to make a lot.
But where to begin? Well first off, you should make the most of all the cost-free methods of promoting.
Social Media
Social media has now become so much more than a method of gaining exposure for your business. Using social media to display advertisements and promote offers to your clients and customers is something you should be taking advantage of. Don’t forget that starting up a Twitter page is a great way to develop a following of clients and customers and is also a great way to communicate news and updates regarding your business!
Get blogging
Starting up a blog surrounding your business is an excellent way to gain a following through promoting your business. Not only does it give you chance to communicate to your followers a little bit more about you, and what your business is, it’s also an outlet for marketing, sales and reaching out to new possible clients and customers. If you do decide to start blogging, remember that the more frequent and regularly you post, the better. People don’t like to see a neglected blog.
SEO is key
Learning how to implement SEO best practices to promote your business could be invaluable, and getting your company or business at the top of those Google searches can do wonders when it comes to marketing your business. There are plenty of books and websites that can teach you how to make the most of SEO so give it a try!
Don’t underestimate the value of small promotion techniques either, particularly those that aren’t online. Donating books and magazines to local waiting areas – think doctors, dentists, government offices, is a good opportunity to get your name out to the locals and other members of the public. Make sure your company address is clearly labelled in the material. Also consider donating custom printed balloons or other products or services to community and charity events around your local area. This may come out of your marketing budget but remember whilst the Internet is a vital part of many of our lives, there are still plenty of people out there who aren’t on social media and aren’t constantly scrolling their Twitter feeds, this enables you to reach them too.
Business cards
The classic business card is still a great form of business promotion, and whilst you may incur cost to get them printed, they often end up paying for themselves. Hand out business cards whenever possible and leave them everywhere you can. It’s also a good idea to have a coupon code or offer printed on one side to encourage people to get in touch or use your services. Make sure you note how many are used and if it’s successful, you know to continue this method of promotion.
Be an expert
Contributing articles on your expertise to local publications such as newspapers, magazines and websites can really get you noticed, which in turn, promotes your business. Also joining online communities to offer advice and tips within your industry is a great way to promote yourself without actually promoting – remember not to spam or advertise, just be a helpful person!
Use email effectively
Collecting email addresses and regularly sending out new offers, updates and business news to customers and clients can also make sure people return to you and use your services. The most you will have to do here is dedicate some time but again, it can really pay off.
There are plenty of ways you can keep up promoting and marketing for your business, and even if you aren’t a start up or a new business, don’t let your promotion efforts slump. There are constant opportunities to develop new relationships with clients and customers; you just need to make them happen!